This story takes place in a future that is governed by an Artificial Intelligence system, and the story that unfolds in this future revolves around a coder named Steve. The design of the film was informed by the societal contexts of the story, by the arch of the main character, and by the potential futures that await humanity.
Basic shapes and complimentary color palettes were the design motifs of choice to convey the themes of the film. Squares, rectangles, and boxes represent the ever-encroaching technology that may eventually enclose humanity. Circles represent the way the story begins and ends in the same place, and also refers to the cyclical nature of relationships. This is also shown in the execution images.
Both characters experienced trauma in their lives, and it is the reaction to each of their respective traumas that determined the choices for the main characters' costume colors: warm colors for Meredith because of her endless passion for life itself, and cooler colors for Steve because of how the effects of trauma have left him a cold and dull soul. Updated images of the tablets and phone screens with visual effects artistry will be added soon.